Dutch virtual innovation mission hydrogen2020
Learn about the hydrogen roadmap in Japan, Korea and the Netherlands, explore potential collaboration partners and opportunities on the topic of Hydrogen. The program for this innovation mission will be running from 12-23 October 2020 and is free of charge.
Since this mission is meant for specific countries (e.g. Japan/ Korea) to be in touch with the Dutch Hydrogen ecosystem, we will select and/or reject participants accordingly.Please note that spaces are limited and your participation will only be finalised upon receiving a confirmation per email. We reserve the right to select participants to our discretion.
The Netherlands have ambitious targets for hydrogen, supported by a large group of important stakeholders. Industrial clusters and ports regard hydrogen as an indispensable part of their future and sustainability strategy. For the transport sector, hydrogen (in combination with fuel cells) is crucial to achieving zero emissions transport. Cities, regions and provinces are keen to get started on implementing hydrogen.
For knowledge exchange, collaboration with key players and scaling up the global hydrogen economy, international collaboration is key.
Programme Items:
During this mission we organize networking activities, webinars, matchmaking and thematic sessions on the following themes:
- Policy: bilateral conversations about hydrogen policy and roadmaps
- Supply chain: Thematic sessions about the production, storage and transport of hydrogen
- Smart Cities: Thematic sessions about the use of hydrogen in mobility and in the built environment.
Next to the thematic sessions, there are two events that we can virtually attend during these two weeks:
- The Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting, Which is being held in Japan for the third time in a row.
- The International Hydrogen Energy Exhibition&forum in Korea.
Virtual Matchmaking
The virtual matchmaking offers an unique opportunity to establish international contacts and explore the Dutch, Japanese and South Korean markets. The goal of the matchmaking is to pursue opportunities for innovation and business cooperation between Dutch, Japanese and South Korean organizations in the field of hydrogen.
The virtual mission is organised by the Embassies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan and South-Korea and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl), partner of the Enterprise Europe Network.